Ross + Peak
Brand Development
Logo Development

Ross + Peak



Scope of Work

Brand Strategy | Logo Development | Visual Identity | Collateral


Dallas, TX

Ross + Peak, an apartment community situated at the convergence of Downtown and Old East Dallas, faced the challenge of needing a fully developed brand by March 2021, with only the name in hand. Matrix Residential (now RangeWater) enlisted assistance for brand strategy, messaging, logo design, visual identity, and collateral creation. I spearheaded the brand's development, crafting its messaging, logo, and visual identity around the concept of "+ You," emphasizing modularity and storytelling through its iconic '+' symbol. The resulting brand not only met but exceeded client expectations, requiring minimal revisions and allowing for an early deadline completion which allowed them to market the property very early in the lease-up. The client now possesses a brand they are proud of, evidenced by residents' frequent photo opportunities with the logo sign on the exterior of the building, and can confidently continue marketing their property with tailored messaging and visual assets. RPM Living is now the property management company for Ross + Peak.

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